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5 Blue’s persuasive language performance.

Five Blue have been trying to persuade the class by advertising chocolate ants, skirts for boys, nappies for all and manure cream. To be able to do this, they had to use persuasive language to convince the audience that their product was the best. Take a look at the video below. Which one persuaded you the most?

Can you give each video a star and wish please.

3 responses to “5 Blue’s persuasive language performance.”

  1. Aalya H.

    i really liked rhia group because it was beautiful ans very more talking and very good explanation it was very amazing and fantastic.

  2. Tana I.

    I loved Rhia performance it was beautiful

  3. Hanfaa N.

    The one that persuaded me the most was actually the manuriser cream because how it was described so I would have bought it myself.
    ⭐ what the chocolate ant group did was really good. 🪄 but they could improve to try and not look at the sheet.
    ⭐ our group had a lot of expression.🪄 but could have improve to have a bit more detail.
    ⭐ the boy skirt groups were both amazing.🪄 but needed to add more sentence openers.
    ⭐The two nappies for all ages groups were one of the best ones of all and really confident.🪄 but they really need to speak louder there a tiny bit to quiet.

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