5 White Go out of this world.

Today, Year 5 visited The National Space Centre in Leicester

It has been a fabulous day and a wonderful experience to deepen their knowledge about Space. The museum allowed the children to submerge themselves in all aspects of the Universe, develop their History, Science and computing skills too which enabled them all to gain.

What have you enjoyed most about the day and why?

What new facts did you learn?

Astronaut Education Workshop

We experienced the planetarium learning what it takes to become an astronaut.

What are the dangers for an astronaut?

It Is Rocket Science workshop

10 responses to “5 White Go out of this world.”

  1. Ayaan M.

    1) I learnt that if you want to be an astronaut you will have go training under water to show how it feels in space and also go in rockets which go up and down so when they are falling down it feels like your floating in 0 gravity.
    2) When we went to the space centre at the end when we went to the 3d looking hemisphere room where we were looking at facts and it was so cool and looked like we were in real space but in a mini spaceship for when antman turns super small.
    3) The dangers for a astronaut is if their spacesuits even have the smallest rips they would die due to no air and because we have to live in an atmosphere.

  2. Tipian I.

    Wow it looks so cool from what I can see, I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to attend .I hope you had a wonderful and amazing time .It looks like you learned a lot of new facts .

  3. Maddox B.

    I loved the video Sarah thank you

  4. Karanbir B.

    I have learnt that the Vietnam war was the 4th expensive war it costed 3.808trillion
    I really enjoyed going in the rocket with the control room and climbing 144 steps and the movie where we were floating but It hurt my head Yester day was fun
    Thank you!

  5. Mohammed W.

    What have you enjoyed most about the day and why?
    The activity that I enjoyed the most is the time when we were watching the movie because it was like cinema but the screen was the whole room.
    What new facts did you learn?
    A fact that I learnt was the Venus’s volume is just over 80% than Earth’s volume.

  6. Adam J.

    I mostly enjoyed when we went to the cinema place.
    That if you put water in space it will be like a bubble of water.

  7. Rafay K.

    I really like the trip to the space centre.especially making a rocket out of gas and a chemical

  8. Zahraa Y.

    Some dangers are gravity ,little objects (that can hit you and hurt you), not wearing a space suit
    But I really enjoyed it and it was really fun thank you miss Frankish for doing this for us and thank you for putting time into this so me and others is hear 5 can have fun.

    1. Zahraa Y.

      Everything was my favourite because it was really fun and I learned really interested things like the dangerous thing that can happen in space and that they had it do training! I have noted these things down put it was hard to remeber

      1. Zahraa Y.

        Remember sorry for that spelling mistake.

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