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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

5 White weekly round up.

What an amazing week weโ€™ve had in 5 White. A new unit in English and Maths plus an amazing science trip as well. I am really looking forward to 1960โ€™s day next week and exploring our history topic further.

Well done for all your hard work 5 White.

Remember to practise your spellings and your times tables.

Your homework link is attached.

Question: Can you tell me one new fact you have learnt from our time at the national space centre?

Can you solve these.



Mr Kane

8 responses to “5 White weekly round up.”

  1. Osato O.

    A fact I have learned during the trip is that a meteor is made out of ice and rock.
    5321 โ€“ 3216 =2105

  2. Sadeen S.

    1. 2105
    2. 4183
    I have learnt that the sun is the biggest star.
    I will practise my timetables and spellings I will also read my book and do my homework.

    1. Sadeen S.


  3. Kai D.

    5321 – 3216 = 2105

    6750 – 2567 = 4183

  4. Aaminah A.

    Can you solve these.

    5321-3216= 2105

    6750-2567= 4183
    Thanks for the blog ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Aaminah A.

      Can you tell me one new fact you have learnt from our time at the national space centre?
      I learnt that there was a dog launched into space.

  5. Zaeem S.

    I enjoyed the trip and I loved when we controled the Mars rover because
    we get to know how the astronauts see what Mars is like.

  6. Aysha R.


    Can you tell me one new fact you have learnt from our time at the national space centre? I learnt the Saturn ring is made if ice and that the sun is a big ball of gas .

    I will practise my spelling and my timetable.

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