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5 White’s Entrepreneur Week

As if putting on a production of Macbeth was not enough, our hard working class have been turning their hand to graphic design too. Watch the video to see what they have achieved.

What have you learnt this week?

Which career are you most inspired by?

What is a graphic designer?

3 responses to “5 White’s Entrepreneur Week”

  1. Meena B.

    1. This week, i’ve learnt about how to make graphic designs and learnt how to store information in line graphs.
    2. Maybe a teacher, because i like being around little children. Or actress, because at school we do a lot of fun acts, and it seems fun.

  2. Arfa S.

    I have learned about graphic design and a bout different peoples careers.
    I was most inspired by the HR managers works and how their work is.
    A graphic designers are people who create websites and create images.

  3. Ramandeep K.

    1. I have learnt all about line graphs, graphic design and careers.
    2. I was most inspired by a HL manager at the careers fair.
    3. A graphic designer is someone who produces art in the form of technology.

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