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5Blue- Moving toys

This half term, in Design and Technology, we have been making our own pull along toys.
pour design brief was to to build a Moving toy which could have been used during the Victorian period.

We explored different types of wooden toys which moved using levers or wheels.

Next, We designed our toy and followed instructions to successfully build them. Whilst building, we developed our hammering and joining techniques.

How do we use a hammer correctly? Which other skills have you developed?

Look at our wonderful creations!

We evaluated our toys with a Year 2 child and identify strengths of our product and improvements we would like to make.

What were your two stars and a wish?

5 responses to “5Blue- Moving toys”

  1. Ramarni J.

    The year 1 I shared my toy with was a girl called Hannah and she said there is no improvements and all she wants is the toy to be at her house!

  2. Yahya S.

    ✨goes really fast
    Wish:range of colours
    My toy was an engine train which was a pull along toy.

  3. Kanishka P.

    We created a pull along toy and shared them with the year 2.

  4. Ebenezer O.

    We created a lull along toy and mine was a dachshund (a dog)

  5. Tana I.

    We created pull along toys and and it was Victorian. my toy was a dachshund dog

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