5W go to Stratford-Upon-Avon

5W had a great day visiting Stratford. We saw many important sights like Shakespeare’s Birthplace, the RSC and Holy Trinity Church (where Shakespeare is buried). We also visited the MAD museum – which stands for Mechanical Art and Design – and were all amazed by what we saw! Check out our video to see what we’ve been up to.

What geographical skills did you use?

What did you most enjoy?

Did anything surprise you on our trip? If so, what?

6 responses to “5W go to Stratford-Upon-Avon”

  1. Ayaan M.

    I most enjoyed the madmuseum most and surprised me the most

  2. Sameeha A.

    I enjoyed going to the MAD museum

  3. Tipian I.

    I used my observation skills to detect what things you do in the mad museum.
    I enjoyed the MAD museum the most because it was moving and its so cool,.
    Yes how did the museum move like that should be technology.

    Thank you for bringing us I the trip I hope we all enjoyed it.

  4. Mohammed W.

    I used my map skills to see where we were in Stratford.
    I mostly enjoyed the MAD Museum because of the marble
    maker.The thing that surprised me was that there was no litter.

  5. Mohammed W.

    I used my map skills to see where we were in Stratford.

  6. Markuss B.

    I used observation to make 2 drawings based on Stratford-upon-Avon.
    I mostly enjoyed the mad museam since the marblem maker was really cool.
    What suprised me was there was no litter unlike Coventy and the people were very nice.

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