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6 White – Dichomotas Keys in Science

This week in Science, we have been looking at the process of elimination when using dichotomous keys. We first looked at categorising sweets and then created our own dichotomous keys for classifying birds and butterflies. Here are some examples below.

What are the lines called on a dichotomous key?

Challenge :- Using dichotomous keys can you tell me how you would categorise something your interested in. E.g – football teams, subjects in school or different types of sports.

22 responses to “6 White – Dichomotas Keys in Science”

  1. Yogitha K.

    What is Dichotomous keys?
    The line on dichotomous keys are like branches and they keep asking you questions which will find the solution.

  2. Tahiyan C.

    lines in a dichotomous key is to show the way to the next question that leads to the end

  3. Aisha R.

    Lines on dichotomous keys are like branches that carry on to the next question and then eventually leads you to a solution.

  4. Maryam G.

    The lines on a dichotomous key are called branches.
    I would categorise subjects at school or sweets

  5. Joel G.

    What are the lines called on a dichotomous key?
    They lead to another question

  6. Aayan M.

    The lines on a dichotomous key are called branches like a family tree.
    If you were categorising football player you could do the shirt colour,team or how good at it they are.

  7. Serina I.

    They are called the branches and they take you to the next answer and question

  8. Aleena I.

    The lines on a dichotomous key are branches leading to the next question/conclusion.

  9. Safiyah P.

    What are the lines called on a dichotomous key?
    The line on a dichotomous key is called a branch.

    Challenge :- Using dichotomous keys can you tell me how you would categorise something your interested in. E.g – football teams, subjects in school or different types of sports.
    You could categorise sports by the main items used.Such as the size, colour and use

  10. Inaaya S.

    What is the line on dichotomous key
    The called branches
    Is there nuts in this

  11. Luxor A.

    It is like a family tree . Each branch is connected to an answer. E.G

  12. Gufran E.

    The lines are called branches
    I would categorise football teams by most popular ,amount of money, colour of their shirts or their goal keepers number

  13. Muhammad S.

    The lines are branches which take you to the next question

  14. Prisha T.

    The lines on a dichotomous key are called branches.

  15. Zainab A.

    What are the lines called on a dichotomous key?
    A line on a dichotomous key is called branches.

  16. Brooke M.

    The lines if the taking you to the answer.

  17. Muhammed A.

    What are the lines called on a dichotomous key?

    The lines on the dichotomous key are called branches.

    Challenge :- Using dichotomous keys can you tell me how you would categorise something your interested in.

    I would categorise football teams by football club, shirt colour, shirt number and trophies.

  18. Safa M.

    What are the lines of a dichotomous key ?
    The dichotomous lines lead you where your answer would be and carry on your questions until you find a conclusion.
    I would categorise football by the shirt colours of the players.

    1. Safa M.

      The lines are called branches

  19. Sumayyah A.

    The lines on a dichotomous keys means that it’s leading to the next question they want to say.
    Using dichotomous keys you could say like does it use a ball? Then the yes and no and carry on do you use it with your feet.

  20. Lawy A.

    What are the lines called on a dichotomous key?
    The lines are called branches.
    I will categorise football teams by the colour goals players and even trophies.

    1. Lawy A.

      The lines are branches taking you to the next question

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