6Red – Health Week

We had a great start to the week. We joined Year2 for well-being day so that they could develop their teamwork skills. Across the two classes, we completed a range of activities including: yoga, dance, golf, origami, games and crafts! To keep us active, we took part in a Dance-a-Thon and raised money for charity. We explored mindfulness and how plants help us with our mental well being.
Please watch the video below showcasing our learning this week.

What is an anxiety ?

How can you improve your physical and mental well being?

2 responses to “6Red – Health Week”

  1. Manvi R.

    Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort, it can be mild in some cases but severe in others.
    Because our mental and physical health are connected, we can exercise to keep our physical health and mental health strong.

  2. Surinder J.

    What is anxiety?
    Anxiety is when you have worries about something or someone; you can also feel nervous if you have anxiety.
    How can you improve your physical and mental well being?
    You can improve your physical and mental wellbeing by doing exercise and taking part in team games.

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