School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Spring 1 week 6 (DT Week)

5 White have had a very busy week this week. As a class we have come to the end of our Sciences forces module which the children have clearly enjoyed and achieved. In maths we have taken the opportunity to consolidate our learning of fractions which will prepare the children nicely for next half term.

We have also enjoyed a fantastic project week this week designing and creating some amazing moving toys. This project illustrates 5 Whites understanding of cams mechanisms, it has been a real pleasure to see the children’s ideas come to life as well as the level of effort shown by all.

Well done and thank you for a great week 5 white.

Have a great weekend

Mr Kane

Weekly challenge: Can you define the features of a cam mechanism? include the components and their jobs.

Weekend Checklist





7 responses to “Spring 1 week 6 (DT Week)”

  1. Osato O.

    The features of a cam mechanism are a follower and cam. A cam is a rotating object which spins round which makes the follower go up and down or spin around because of the gap.

  2. Zaeem S.

    heard that we will be doing scratch my favourite game

  3. Zaeem S.

    A cam mechanism is a toy that you can use for children it is also known as a toy that has a view of 360 degree’s

    1. Zaeem S.

      I can’t wait till computing week I

      1. Zaeem S.

        heard that we will be doing scratch my favourite game

  4. Ayaan B.

    The features of a cams mechanism is a cam a follower and a handle it is used to make toys rotate or go up and down or to make a part move.I enjoyed this week I am looking forward for IT week it will be awesome.

  5. Aaminah A.

    Weekly challenge: Can you define the features of a cam mechanism? include the components and their jobs.
    A cam mechanism is a rotating or linear movement that moves around or up and down. Like the toys that we made. The components are the cam (there are lots of different ones) and the follower

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