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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

RW – Design Technology Week.

We have had another fantastic week in RW. The children have been set a challenge to design and make a cake for the Gruffalo. At the end of the week they were able to eat their yummy cakes!

To research different cake designs.

The children looked at different cake designs and said which one they like the best.

To design and label a cake.

The children thought about what they would like their own cake for the Gruffalo to look like. They used creative skills to design and label their own cakes.

To write a list of ingredients.

The children thought about and looked at a cake recipe. They used phonetic skills to write a list of ingredients that we would need to make our cakes.

To follow a recipe to make a cake.

The children worked in mixed ability groups to follow a recipe and make their cakes.

To decorate a cake.

The children followed their designs to decorate their cakes.

To evaluate our cakes.

The children thought carefully about their cakes and could say if they liked their design and end outcome. They began to think about what they might change to make their cakes better if they were to make them again.

Rock Kidz

This week the children were treated to a workshop with ’Rock Kidz’. Reception absolutely loved the workshop where they danced, sang and learnt how to be a rockstar by playing air guitar, head bopping, jumping and punching the air!

3 responses to “RW – Design Technology Week.”

  1. Dyari-Larson F.

    Thank you so much to the teacher’s in one white that save Dyari-larson a cake after he was out for a few day thank 😊😊

  2. Samuel N.

    I really enjoy my cupcake thank
    Mrs Langley

  3. Adam K.

    Amazing pictures looks like had a lovely week… Adam really enjoyed baking cup cakes for grufalo and it taste yummy he said

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