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1Blue Find Fred! 🐸

The weirdest thing happened today! Fred was missing!
Cheeky Fred left us lots of clues to track him down, this required 1Blue to assemble ’Fred EXPERTS!’ The children saw lots of little footprints around school. They were so excited when they were reunited with spotty Fred. I hope he stays put in 1Blue from now on!
Haseeb and Max, we missed you SO much!

Where did Fred’s journey take you this morning? Can you tell me step by step?

11 responses to “1Blue Find Fred! 🐸”

  1. Dhonshan R.

    I saw Fred’s foot print in sink of the year 1 red class.Next there ware 2 foot prints in the computer room, and then I saw it on the printer.Then one of them is in the waterfalls.In the end Fred was in the tree.

  2. Elgin A.

    He was thirsty.
    Had a drink from the 1 red tap. Then He went to the room full of laptops. Then he left the room and he saw a brown beast. He was scared so he went to the water fall and Mrs Frankish put him at the top of the tree

  3. Sarah B.

    I love the day when we found Fred

  4. Emraan A.

    We went to Fred walk and we found footprints then we go to 1red then the computer room

  5. Latifa A.

    We went to 1red sink area found Fred’s foot prints next o the conputer
    room we went in we saw Fred’s footprints on a table their was Fred’s foot prints on the floor we went to the printer and saw his foot prints on the printer we went to the water fall and saw Fred’s footprints and miss Frankish picked up Fred and Fred was to afrade to get down

  6. Elgin A.

    Fred was in a tree and he was scared.

  7. Roshaan K.

    It was the best time when we went to find f-r-e-d-

  8. Elgin A.

    Fred was in a tree and he was stead

  9. Noah M.

    Hello Mr Mahmood.
    Noah is much better now after Paracetamol.
    Thank you for asking.

  10. Noah M.

    So first fred went to the one red tap.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      No-No, how are you feeling? I hope you are feeling better.

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