Today we began our History unit about the Holocaust. Children have been intrigued by this topic since we read the boy in the stripped pyjamas at the start of the year. Today we completed the following tasks.

Chronological skills: We recapped on our prior knowledge of WW2 and built on this today, focusing on the rise of Nazi Germany and the mass murders of Jews across Europe.

Analysing Historic sources

What knowledge did you gain today?

Tomorrow we will begin to study Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime in more detail.

34 responses to “Y6 The Holocaust”

  1. Steven N.

    I gained knowledge about key events during all the world war and learnt about Auschwitz and about Anne Franks diary

  2. Safwan U.

    I have learnt Adolf Hitler’s life

  3. Arina A.

    I learnt that during the ww2 there was a girl named Anne Frank a diariest

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