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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

We are pleased to confirm that we will be resuming the Summer Fair on Saturday 18th June. The Fair will start at 11.00am until 1.00pm.

It would be lovely if you are able to support with some items or your time.

We would like to request a few items which are in good condition, but you no longer need for our Bric-a-Brac stall, teddy bears, chocolates and biscuits. It would be great if you can bring any item to school by Wednesday 15th June.

The Pastoral Team would like to request your time to help make the hampers, volunteers to support with the clothing stall. We would also love to hear from individuals that can help with the mendhi and pakoras/samosas.

Please leave a comment below if you are able to support and we will contact you.

Thank you

The Broad Heath Team

64 responses to “Summer Fair 18.06.22”

  1. Huzaifah J.

    I am going for a short time because I am going mosque

  2. Joel G.

    I am so excited for the summer fair tomorrow

  3. Zahra N.

    I’m so excited!!!

  4. Rayan M.

    I’m coming I’m excited

  5. Alima S.

    Should we drees up in nonuniformed ?

    1. Head Teacher

      Yes as it as 4-6 pm.

  6. Noah M.

    I will come quickly.,!🚊🛫✈️💺🛩🛳

  7. Yunus H.

    I’m not coming but send photos so the people that couldn’t go they can see what happened

  8. Ilyas K.

    I can help with hampers as always at your service Mrs RK !

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      You are brilliant!
      Pop in tomorrow, if you have time.

  9. Muhammad R.

    I’m am coming and my mom will help to do mendhi

  10. Zahra N.

    I am definitely coming with my mum and cousins and I will try to bring food in.

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Thank you very much.
      Mrs Raja-Khan

  11. Faris B.

    My mum has dropped some things off for the bric – a – brac stall.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you that is very kind.

  12. Umar S.

    I would like to help making the hampers.

  13. Mopelola L.

    I Would love to come 😍🥰🥰🥰😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.But I have dance 9am to 1am😢😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😫😥

  14. Khadijah M.

    I will come if I can!!!

  15. Yahya K.

    we are going to come.

  16. Tipian I.

    I’m coming

  17. Arifa H.

    Thank you for the information!

  18. Sumayyah A.

    I will come and my mum will make food for summer fair

  19. Israa F.

    Thanks for the information Mrs Raja-Khan.
    I am looking forwards to come with my family.

  20. Umama

    I would like to help make the hampers, volunteer to support with the clothing stall

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      We will call you on Monday.
      Thank you

  21. Noor A.

    I would like to volunteer to make the hampers volunteer to support clothing stall

  22. Noor A.

    I would like to volunteer to help

  23. Albert Q.

    I would like to help make the hampers, volunteer to support with the clothing stall

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      I will contact you on Monday.
      Thank you

  24. Simin W.

    Ok maybe I’ll go

  25. Adam A.

    I’m happy to support with time

  26. Umama

    I would like to volunteer to help in the summer fair

  27. Aysha

    I will be coming

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