
1Blue – Friday Poetry and Art

This half term, in English, the children will be learning to write a poem in the shape of a flower. The children read 5 different shape poems and then shared which ones they liked most.

This half term, in Art, the children will be learning about the American Artist, Georgia O’Keeffe. This afternoon, the children used iPads to take close up photographs of the beautiful flowers we have growing at BH. Please take a look at their brilliance below.

5 responses to “1Blue – Friday Poetry and Art”

  1. Latifa A.

    I enjoyed looking at the flower,s.

  2. Roshaan K.

    I wish I could write my own 🌺 poem

  3. Emraan A.

    I enjoyed finding shapes star flowers poems

  4. Elgin A.

    I find 2 flowers 💐

  5. Sarah B.

    It was fun

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