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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Very high temperatures are forecast for next week.

School will:

Care for all its pupils as it does every day

Ensure their water bottles are full and they are encouraged to drink.

Slow things down, PE will be done under the Muga cover, in the shade.

Parents need to:

Send children in PE kits as requested last week, every day.sensible shoes please/ pumps if PE day.

Put sun-cream on your children.

Provide sun hats with their names written on rims.

We will be finishing at normal times and we will contact you as normal if we have any concerns.

There are NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS until September.
Thank you.


31 responses to “The weather and your child”

  1. Zahra A.

    Thank you for the information.

  2. Ibrahim I.

    OK headteacher.

  3. Ebeid M.

    Thank you for telling us

  4. Safa M.

    Thank you for the information

  5. Ayaan M.

    Thank you for the information.

  6. Rayyana M.

    How hot will it get? Thanks for the information
    Jensen & Rayyana

  7. Aran K.

    Thanks 😊

  8. Luxor A.

    Thank you for the info.

  9. Ellie T.

    Okay thank you for the information

  10. Lillie S.

    I brought in my bucket hat!

  11. Safa M.

    Thanks for the information !

  12. Aiza B.


  13. Yasiin H.


  14. Zainab A.

    Thanks for the information I am going to bring my hat and glasses

  15. Aaminah A.

    Hi Mrs Frankish,
    Are we allowed to bring paper fans in?

    1. Head Teacher

      Of course…x

      1. Aaminah A.


  16. Dhonshan R.

    Thank you for the information.

  17. Jasmine P.

    Ok fancue

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you too.

  18. Farhan K.


    Breakfast club is still on?


    1. Head Teacher

      Yes it is even the 25 th. Have a lovely day.

  19. Sania K.

    Can we bring Sun cream in ?

    1. Head Teacher

      Yes but you need to look after it and apply it.

  20. Zaeem S.

    Thank you for the information I will make sure to bring my kit from home and drink loads of Water

  21. Sumayyah A.

    Thanks for the info!

  22. Aqsaa F.

    ok we will

  23. Myiesha S.

    Thank you for the update.
    I will make sure to send my children school with full preparation as the weather is going very hot next week. Hope everyone will be fine.
    From Myiesha mum.

    1. Head Teacher

      Everyone will be great, don’t worry.

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