
3 White Crystal Maths Week

This week in 3 white children became teams to take part in the Crystal Maths Challenge. They took on numerous challenges to earn Crystals for their team. They earns crystals through success but also by demonstrating our core values such as: teamwork, resilience, tenacity and communication. Each day we explored a different country and completed maths challenges inspired by the location.

Tuesday – Ancient Greece

On Tuesday we became acquainted with Pythagoras and his love of triangles. We found out the basics of his theory. We completed Tangram puzzles. We explored triangles and used this to help us make chatter boxes. We also explored the magic number 3 and became competitive with learning our 3 x table.

Wednesday – Ancient Egypt

We looked at Ptolemy today and his connection with pyramids. We solved Pyramid problems using addition and subtraction and applying inverses to fill in the blocks. We contracted our own pyramid with lolly pop sticks and did this by exploring shape. We solved calculations written in hieroglyphics. We also took part in a scavenger hunt to answer mathematic problems inspired by Egypt.

Thursday – China

On Thursday we explored Qin Jinshao and his ideas. Without mathematicians like this we would not understand basic algebra or the value of Zero. We began the day learning to count in Chinese and learning the symbols. We practised our number bonds to ten written in Chinese. We then explored a story Called a place for Zero to understand the importance of this digit. We then attempted to make numbers with and without the zero digits to see what impact it had. We then solved missing digit additions to ten using a code. Finally we tested our arithmetic with an active maths challenge.

Friday – India and inspirational maths day

Today we explored shapes in rangoli patterns before moving on to improve and develop arithmetic strategies within maths. We spent a large part of our day looking at inspirational maths and developing a growth mindset within the subject.

What mew things have you learnt?

Which activity was your faviourite and why?

How have you made progress this week?

4 responses to “3 White Crystal Maths Week”

  1. Sardar O.

    What new things have you learnt. Wee learnt about India and working hard
    Which activity was your faviourite and why because they are fun
    How have you made progress this week I made progress in My Books
    The best day in The best day in mass masks maths

  2. Camarni H.

    1. I learned the value of 0.
    2. The one where we had to run and grab the 2 numbers and come back to our teams and subtract the numbers.
    3. I’ve learned how to work better in a team.

  3. Yasmin A.

    We have learnt about mathematicians my favourite part was organising the feelings and Friday.

  4. Nabiha I.

    1.I have learnt about India drawings.
    2.My faviourite was we had to get the numbers out of the cup.
    3.I have made progress with my drawing.

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