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4 Red: Well-Being day

Today has been year 4’s well-Being day. We have been remembering all the soldiers that have sacrificed there lives to give us a better life today. We have really enjoyed all the creativity and writing poems and letters to the soldiers. Take a look at the video below to see what we have been getting up too.

What have you enjoyed doing today and why?

14 responses to “4 Red: Well-Being day”

  1. Mohammed K.

    I really liked writing a poem

  2. Aaron G.

    I enjoyed making the poppy and drawing the charcoal pictures.

  3. Adam O.

    I have enjoyed drawing the poppy pictures with the charcoal because it was very messy.

  4. Ramandeep K.

    I enjoyed writing our poems and then decorating them because it was very calm and fun.

    1. Mrs Walker

      I’m glad that’s you’ve enjoyed well- being Ramandeep. You have all produced some lovely pieces of work.

  5. Hamsia D.

    What have you enjoyed doing today and why?
    I have enjoyed making poppies out of paper because I learnt how to make them.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Can you tell me if you found the paper folding tricky? There were a few people who found this task tricky.

      1. Hamsia D.

        Yes, I found the folding tricky.

  6. Sabiha K.

    I enjoined when we where writing our letters because we got to show kindness and we got to thank the pepole who help us in the WWI.

    1. Mrs Walker

      That’s a really lovely response Sabiha. Do you think its important for us to remember the fallen?

  7. Manha S.

    I enjoyed the well being day

    1. Mrs Walker

      Menha I really glad that enjoyed well-being day but I would like to know what you enjoyed about the day?

      1. Manha S.

        I liked making the paper poppies

        1. Manha S.

          I enjoyed painting with the charcol

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