Year 3 Trip arrival to Hanford Close estimated at 5:00PM

Year 1 Blue’s cinema trip.

Wow what a lovely treat we had going to the cinema. Thank you first to Mrs Frankish for arranging the coach to get there for year 1 and 2.

Everyone behaved so well representing Broad Heath School. We are all sensible on the coach, in the cinema and walking back safely and sensibly. Well done to everyone.

4 responses to “Year 1 Blue’s cinema trip.”

  1. Miracle O.

    I liked web we went on the bus and had fruit

  2. Samuel N.

    I love dogtanian and three muskehounds . I wish we could go to the cinema again with my Classmates .

  3. Adam K.

    I had lots of fun and the movie was really good. Thank you Mrs frankish for organising the trip to cinemas and we going on the coach

  4. Aaron R.

    I liked the film and I loved going on the escalator!

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