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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hello Year 6 and I trust that you are well.

Today, the ‘great’ Inmatron made an appearance again! He showed you a mathematical trick based upon binary code and binary number.

I have attached an upload point below here! Have a go at the trick on a family member and upload the video! Let’s see who can do it! We will share the results in school.

Remember. Always divide by 2 using the bus stop. If there is a remainder then turn the binary number on. Then remove the remained. When the person doing the trick with you gets to 1, the answer will be 0 remainder 1. Then they need to tell you to stop – remember to tell them this before you start the trick.

I look forward to seeing your magic!!

Binary Code Trick

10 responses to “Binary Code Trick”

  1. Khairy S.

    It was so much fun it’s like magic but it’s not

  2. Joel G.

    It was fun

  3. Sumayyah A.

    I’ve tried it with my sister but she god confused

    1. Sumayyah A.


  4. Muhammad S.

    It was so much fun

  5. Azaan H.

    I tried the trick on my mum and told her how I done it.

  6. Amanah S.

    im going to try this on my brother…… he probably wont remember

  7. Tahiyan C.

    I tried it with my sis but she already knew…

  8. Samik S.

    I’m going to try this!

  9. Kaif B.

    I will do the trick to my family and cousins

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