
4W Science: Investigating Insulators

Today 4W were faced with given a challenge during their science lesson. Watch the video below to find out what it was.

The children conducted an experiment to find out what was the best insulator for Mr Patel’s iced tea and Mrs Frankish’s coffee.
Below are some of their findings:

What is an insulator?

What is a conductor?

Why do you think the foil was the best insulator?

10 responses to “4W Science: Investigating Insulators”

  1. Yahya K.

    An insulator keeps things very hot or very cold.
    A conductor is a material that reflects heat keeping it cold.

    1. Yahya K.

      The foil was the best as it kept the water very cold.

      1. Mrs Khaliq

        Does a conductor reflect heat? Think about a pan or metal spoon.

  2. Delilah R.

    A conducter allows electricity to travel through it , like silver ,gold, copper ,

    An insulator keeps the warm in and from passing through like , wool
    ,plastic, cotton.

    I think foil is the best insulator because it helps keeps the temperature the same like Mrs frankish coffee hot and Mr patels tea cold

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What does a conductor do with heat?

      1. Delilah R.

        It allows heat to pass threw like hair straightners it let’s the heat out

  3. Nma M.

    An insulator is something that keeps stuff warm and ready for any occasion you might need hot drinks. For example:
    The cotton is a poor insulator.
    The family wanted an insulator to help their drinks to be warm as they don’t want cold coffee.
    It was a winter morning and a girl wanted hot coffee, so she needed an insulator.

    A conductor allows you to flow electricity in it. For example:
    A young boy wanted to learn about a conductor, but then he asked his teacher and used a conductor, once he found out.
    A family needed a conductor, they saw it and on the floor was an example of a conductor. Silver, aluminium, and iron.
    A teenager wanted to see a conductor, so she tried her best to find all 3 items in different places. (Silver, alumnium, and iron.

    I think foil was the best insulator, as it helped Mrs Frankish and Mr Patel’s problem on their coffee.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Does an insulator only keep things warm?

  4. Irfa M.

    An insulator is a material that keeps things warm temperature.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Is that all it does? Think back to Mr Patel’s dilemma and the investigation we conducted. Were we keeping things warm?

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