Toay was Wellbeing day in Year 5 and we have had lots of fun!

Keep learning-Active maths

We have exercised our mind and body whilst taking part in Active maths today. We took part in team games and practised using the written method to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers.


Today, we took inspiration from our lovely school councillors who suggested we donate clothing to support charities. We made posters showing the benefits of donating clothing to charity. We were able to link this to our prior SMSC learning about charity being a key teaching of Islam.

Take notice

We read the Dr Seus story ‘The Lorax’. We enjoyed the rhyming and linked this to the poetry we had been studied but also discussed the deeper message about looking after our planet.

Be active

We learnt about teamwork, sportsmanship and respect through playing dodgeball. What a lot of fun!


We were creating and collective piece for display. We all had different parts and connected the together to create a huge Sherlock Holmes for our next English topic.

13 responses to “Year 5 Wellbeing day”

  1. Sanad S.

    I think that well-being day was insane but the most insane thing is when we made 3 humungas Sherlock Holmes designs

  2. Umar S.

    The best thing at well-being day was dodgeball

  3. Bakary

    It was brilliant and superb

  4. Awais W.

    My favourite part was the active maths and dodgeball they were both very interesting to do and play.The Sherlock Holmes picture/drawing was super fun figuring out the different colours you were supposed to use on the different parts of the Sherlock Holmes.

  5. Zeyd H.

    I enjoyed learning about the Lorax and talking about climate change, although my favourite part was the Charity posters.

  6. Jensen C.

    i loved well being day, my favorite was the lorax and active maths.

  7. Markuss B.

    that was so fun. my most favourite day ever

  8. Miski M.

    I enjoyed well being day. My favourite lesson was active maths.

  9. Romeesa T.

    I love playing dogged ball, like making different words about sherlock homes and reading the Lorax and answering different questions about how we can help the climate change after we read the whole book .

  10. Zahraa Y.

    I really wished I was able to come but sadly I couldn’t,And this was because I had a cold.But I can tell everyone in year 5 had fun and I’m glad they had fun.

  11. Mohammed W.

    I had so much fun!

  12. Isah C.

    I enjoyed it too it was fun

  13. Sameeha A.

    I enjoyed the well-being day. My favorite session was connecting and coloring.

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