School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


5 White Go For A Walk To Coventry Canal

Today, we went on a walk to the Coventry Canal to look at the geography of the area. We looked at the features, used directional language, drew a field sketch and did a litter survey.

What did you learn today? What surprised you? What geographical skills did you use?

4 responses to “5 White Go For A Walk To Coventry Canal”

  1. Seher A.

    Who asked

  2. Zahraa Y.

    I learnt about what is a canal and is a canal a river? I was surprised by the amount of rubbish in the canal I took perseverance in order to draw my map.

  3. Tipian I.

    i learnt about who made it and it was made by a man in Coventry .
    I got surprised when i found out this is a canal i go for a run with my dad .
    My skills were perseverance because during my sketch i looked carefully at the canal are and around it .

  4. Maddox B.

    I loved this trip but my legs got so so so so so tired 😪😪😪😪

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