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Year 6 PSHE – Responsibilities

To consider the responsibilities of Year 6 and to understand consequences if responsibilities are not met

How can we be responsible members of the Year 6 team?

  • High quality responses to the blogs
  • Being sensible when walking around school being careful not to disrupt learning
  • Keeping equipment well maintained
  • Following instructions to the best of our abilities
  • Giving our best in all subjects
  • Reading every day and completing homework
  • Being a good role model, being respectful and following the rules
  • Staying clean and hygienic

Please answer the following questions in full sentences!

Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?

Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?

Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?

124 responses to “Year 6 PSHE – Responsibilities”

  1. Flourish A.

    A state of disorder due .

  2. Flourish A.

    It will affect your life in many ways and it will also help me advance in my education career

  3. Miski M.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    It means to be a responsible person who shows a good example to others. I can achieve this by being kind and showing a sense of responsibility. This impacts other students because your behaviour is what they will copy.

    How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    It will affect your life because you will be known as a kind person.

    What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.
    It links because you need to be organised.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      Can you share an example of when you have been responsible Miski?

  4. Raiyan K.

    Being a good role model means doing good things leading a good example for other younger people.You can also achieve this by listening to our school rules to the best of our ability , this will make you successful later on .This could impact younger students to become better people which will make better people eventuallly.

    Being a role model could affect you when leaving primary school by not getting detention in secondary school . It will also make you have more friends as more people will follow your example.

    Anarchy-the organisation of a society
    I think responsibility links to this by like being organised and ready to learn to be role model to other younger students.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      How important are the school rules Raiyan?

  5. Ammara K.

    In school to be a good citizen means to act nicely and help other children around the school.Because Year 6 is the highest year if you do something bad the younger children will think it’s okay because the older children do it. You can achieve this by walking nicely and not talking when you are not allowed to.The impact on other children is when you do something good the younger children will copy you.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      Can you share an example of when you have shown responsibility Ammara?

  6. Noor A.


    1. If you are a good role model in school you will have to be kind to other people and show them how to be a good role model.

    You can achieve this by helping other people they will also be kind to other people.

    This can impact other students so then they can also spread the kindness.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      Why does the way we move around school matter?

  7. Rubab G.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school?
    To be a good role model to other is to be good pick up rubbish that’s on the floor and don’t speak over the adults,parent and teachers.
    How can you achieve this?
    If you want to be a good and excellent role model put your hand up to the question or if you need help.
    What is the impact on other students?
    If you be a rude person that mean it impact on your on learning and the teachers that have to speak to you to be a good role model.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      How can we set the best example to our younger students?

  8. Maddox B.

    By showing the school valeus and be a good role model by not swearing or being rude or disrespectful to DRA’s or anyone in the whole school even outside of the school and help your elders across the street if they need help and always stay safe!
    So you don’t get bullied in secedary or primary or college if you want to go and university if you want to go and if your kind caring for others you will have a lot of friends and when you get a job you will get a lot of money so be kind and stay safe!
    Anarchy means when no one had any authority over anyone else so pls stay safe!
    STAY SAFE!!!!!

    1. Mrs Elkin

      Why is it important to follow the school rules Maddox?

  9. Flourish A.

    It means when someone is a good member .By listening to the teacher.The impact on others is a good behaviour

    1. Mrs Elkin

      How do you show responsible behaviour Flourish?

  10. Tipian I.

    A good role model means that the younger ones would copy you because you are older than them and will think you are cool😎.
    You can achieve this by listening to the teacher and concentrating so you will be noticed by little ones.
    It will impact on other people because they will copy you ; and the others will copy them and there would be a chain and we will be a happy school.
    ❄️ Silver ❄️
    You will be known for a kind hearted young person ready for secondary .
    And will make more friends .
    🔥 Gold🔥

    1. Mrs Elkin

      What would happen without the school rules Tipian?

  11. Xlexben F.

    What does it mean to be a good role model in school ?
    It means we should not do things which are wrong
    How can you achieve this?
    By just doing what your teacher tells you
    What is the impact on other students?
    If you are doing the right thing little children will copy it and be good citizen
    and if you do the wrong thing they will copy the bad things you do
    How will being a good role model affect life at Broad Heath ?
    You will get rewarded for your good behaviour and get noticed for your good behaviour
    What is anarchy?
    a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      What happens if we choose not to follow the school rules Xlexben?

  12. Elyas A.

    To be good role modal you had to help other people and be kind and show them how to bea good role modal

    1. Mrs Elkin

      How have you been a good role model this week Elyas?

  13. Ibrahim M.

    To be a good role model you need to be quiet in the assemblies and be quiet when the teacher is talking.

    Being a good role model after BH will mean people will follow your example and be role models.

    Anarchy is a belief system that is a synonym for chaos.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      Why is it important that we move around school responsibly?

  14. Karanbir B.

    Being a role model means to represent good things to the younglings.
    You can achieve this by representing all the school values to them.
    The impact on other students is that they will copy you.
    Being a good role model will impact your SATS then your GCSE which will determine your future job.
    Anarchy means ‘absence of the goverment’

    1. Mrs Elkin

      How can being responsible affect relationships with other pupils?

  15. Kamil N.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    If you want to be a good role model you will need to stand up and be good to the younger year groups because if you don’t then you will not be a good role model to them at all and besides that you need to listen to the teacher. You can achieve this by contributing in learning and listening in what the teachers are saying just so when you do your sats you won’t miss out in some marks. If you be bad the impact will be that the children will copy you and get told of because of your own undoing.

    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    This will affect you in secondary as well because the children will bully you if you can’t contain yourself being silly. The teachers will be more serious by giving detention and you can’t always rely on your favourite teachers because if you do people will bully you and the teachers won’t allways be on your side.

    Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    Anarchony means the absence of any authority superior to nation-states and capable and this could be related to responsibilities because you are above the year group and need to be a role model for the younger people.

    1. Mrs Elkin

      This is an outstanding contribution Kamil. You have certainly shown responsibility here!

  16. Ibraheem T.


    political or social disorder resulting from the absence or disregard of government or the rule of law. Anarchy means crazy no rules no laws no society.

  17. Najma O.

    To be a good role model you have to been kind and follow all of the school values and be respectful. You can achieve this by being hardworking and doing what you where told to in class and by helping others in class and out of class.The impact is that it impacts in other people’s learning and it makes them want to talk and not be good .

    It can affect your life when leaving school because you will already know how to act and be good because being good is so easy and being unkind is hard and if you be good you will get a prize for your actions but if you are bad you will never get a chance to achieve.

    Anarchy means when no one had any authority over anyone else it links with being responsible and rules because when you do your work nobody will tell you what to do.

  18. Rir K.

    Bronze: What does it mean to be a good role model in school? How can you achieve this? What is the impact on other students?
    To be a good role model you’ll need to be good in class and put up the standards of a Year 6.
    You can achieve this by listening to the teacher, also paying attention in class while you’re learning and you will need to not have arguments with anyone.
    If you be bad in class and a younger person in Year 1 saw it they will copy you.

    Silver: How will being a good role model affect your life when you leave Broad Heath?
    It can affect you future life and it would make people want to be your friend.

    Gold: What is anarchy? Define. How does this link to responsibilities and rules?
    a state of disorder because of absence or non recognition of authority or different controlling systems.

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