Art in 1W

This half term, we have been learning about Pablo Picasso and Cubism. We have created our own portraits in his style. Take a look at our brilliant work!

What have you learnt about Picasso?

5 responses to “Art in 1W”

  1. Yaseen S.

    Our artwork looks so cool. I have really enjoyed our art class, thank you teachers.

  2. Mrs J Patel

    Everyone created lovely Art work as you can see the evidence of your work. These pictures will be displayed soon in our classroom.

  3. Abdullah P.

    Abdullah enjoyed learning about Pablo Picasso and recreating portrait using the techniques used by Picasso.

  4. Mahid H.

    Its so much fun 🤩

  5. Umar M.

    Picasso was an artist who made lots of funny faces

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