School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

I hope you have had a wonderful break and are feeling refreshed. It will be lovely to see you all as we enter the summer term. School starts at 8:45 am on Monday 17 th. Next week is only a 4 day week as we are closed on Friday so children can celebrate Eid with their families. Please check the school calendar for all forthcoming events and trips. See you Monday…breakfast club is on as normal.

17 responses to “Back to School Monday”

  1. Tana I.

    I had a good holiday.

  2. Freya S.

    I had a good holiday and I miss you

    1. Head Teacher

      We missed you too.

  3. Tasneem S.

    Thank you so much .I love to spend time with my family.

  4. Mahid H.


  5. Havin A.

    Thank you for the information! I am excited to see you!!

  6. Myiesha S.

    Thank you for the information
    Can’t wait to come back to school

  7. Zaeem S.

    Thank you for the information

  8. Mohammed W.

    Thanks for the information

  9. Sheik A.

    Thank see you soon

  10. Alzahra R.

    Thank you for information

  11. Jasmine P.

    Thank you

  12. Rayyan R.

    Yes we enjoyed our break and very excited to get back to school and thankyou very much for your message.

  13. Sania K.

    Thank you for the information also Eid Mubarak.

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