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Brave 11 Year Old Flees Ukraine



This 11 year old boy  escaped to Slovakia from the Ukraine with a phone number scrawled on his hand, a plastic bag and his passport. His mum was desperate to ensure he remained safe. He had no adult with him.

KS1- What do you think was in his plastic bag and why?

KS2- Which BH  values did this boy show and why do you think his mother made him travel 700 miles by himself?

164 responses to “Brave 11 Year Old Flees Ukraine”

  1. Aadyan W.

    I think he showed the value of brilliance and resilience.

  2. Charis O.

    Food because he didn’t have any money to buy stuff

  3. Shemaiah W.

    I fink that 11years old boy showed risilyans.👍👏

  4. Mustafa A.

    I think the 11 year old boy showed resilience, tenacity and brilliance.

  5. Zahra N.

    I think he showed resilience because he was a very brave boy and he could travel all by his self for 700 miles I think his mum wanted to let him be brave and be excellent at travelling 700 miles.

  6. Leon T.

    I think the boy shown brilliance because he had to be brave and he could be a role model to others

  7. Sabiha K.

    The 11 year old boy 👦 used empathy resilience and indinduality

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