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Celebrating Hindu Prayer Puja πŸͺ”

Children across Year 3 learnt all about the Hindu prayer called Puja. They learnt about the importance for Hindus including reasons like honouring and showing devotion to the Gods as well as a way to receive blessings and ask for forgiveness. Children also learnt about the objects placed on the Hindu tray including a bell to summon God and invite him into their homes, a Diya lamp which is a symbol of God’s presence and incense sticks to provide a clean fragrant air for God and the Hindus worshipping amongst others. Children saw Mrs Patel anointing a fellow Hindu in the class with Kumkum powder and the class were fascinated and intrigued. It was an amazing, eye opening lesson and all children demonstrated great tolerance and excellent respect. Well done πŸ‘πŸͺ”πŸ€©

Have a go at answering the questions below

What is a shrine?
How is water offered to God?
What does Kumkum powder signify?

20 responses to “Celebrating Hindu Prayer Puja πŸͺ””

  1. Ebunoluwa I.

    1.A shrine is something like a box to not be scared.
    2.Is a pot of water that shows respect.

  2. Eliza N.

    1. A shrian is a case or a box πŸ“¦
    2. Water is offered to god on a spoon to show respect 🌷🌷🌺🌺πŸ₯„
    3. KumKum is put on Hindus forehead to welcome God πŸ”―πŸ•‰πŸ›•πŸͺ·πŸŽŽ

  3. Toleen S.

    1. A shrine is use to clean the house so when they pray it is nice and clean .
    2. They put the water on the spoon then offer it to God.
    3. A sign to remember God while there praying.

  4. Muhammad K.

    It is a holy place and it has association and a divinity or a sacred person
    Water is how they treat God and greet him or her
    Kumkum powder should always be in between your eyebrows

  5. Dean-Junior L.

    1 it is used to make a nice smell.
    2 they offer water to GOD by putting water on a spoon to offer to GOD.
    3 you put on your head to show respect.

  6. Eesaa A.

    1.It is made to give the air a nice smell.
    2.Water is offered to God on a spoon.
    3.It is put on the forehead to resemble that God is protecting them.

  7. Simeongeya W.

    It was so good 😊

  8. Yusuf S.

    Thank you for giving that to us

  9. Halimah K.

    It was so fun doing puga it was my favourite lesson 😊😊😊

  10. Musa B.

    1.It is used to clean the air and make nice smell
    2.They offer water to God by putting it on a spoon and offer it to God
    3.You put on your head to show respect

  11. Emil D.

    1.A place were people do puja prayerπŸ•‰πŸ€²
    2.By being in a special pot.
    3.For their marriage symbol.

  12. Isaiah W.

    1.Place regarded as holy because of its association with a divinity or a scared person or relic,marked by a building or other contruction

    1. Isaiah W.

      2 .Water on a spoon to show respect

      1. Isaiah W.

        They put kumkum powder on they head to welcome god

  13. Esa A.

    1.A place regarded as holy because of its association with a divinity or a sacred person or a relic,marked by building or other construction.
    2.water on a spoon to show respect.
    3.they put Kumkum powder on there head to welcome god

    1. Mrs Farooq

      Super answer Esa.

  14. Chavi L.

    1.A shrine is a case or a box for sacred relics.
    2.Water is offered to God in a spoon to show a lot of respect.
    3.KumKum powder is put on hindus forehead.

    1. Mrs Farooq

      Great knowledge Chavi

  15. Alisha S.

    1.a place regarded as holy because of its associationwith a divinity or a sacred person or relic, marked by a building or other construction.
    2.water is offerd to God on a spoon to show respect
    3.married women apply red kumkuma to the parting of their hair above their forehead every day as a symbol of marriage

    1. Mrs Farooq

      Fantastic answer Alisha !

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