As part of our PSHE learning, we have been learning about communities. We are all part of a community. As a class, we discussed which communities we belong to and how we contribute to these communities.

As a community, we can:

  • Visit new places and show respect
  • Talk to and help others
  • Help the poor
  • Pick up litter and look after our environment

Have a look at the work produced by Year 2.
CHALLENGE: How can you ensure your community remains peaceful? Leave a comment below.

5 responses to “Y2 – PSHE – Communities”

  1. Aesha M.

    I I pick up litter

  2. Hudaa M.

    I can ensure the community by helping the environment and picking up litter so the community healthy

  3. Jasmine P.

    Well done children

  4. Zakariyah A.

    We can always smile at the people in our community and say hello to them when we see them.we can also share some nice food with them.

  5. Ella K.

    I will pick up litter and look after our environment and help the poor.

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