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Computing in Year 5 – Summer Term

The children have been learning how to produce 3D models using computer software this term in Computing. They began by exploring vocabulary such as ‘template’, ‘shortcut key’, ‘3D’, ‘ and then used Purple Mash software to create a 3D model, exploring the 3D view of the net. They also created patterns and ‘pattern fill’ to decorate their designs. Once the children had developed their skills on Purple Mash, they began to use a more complex software called ‘Tinkercad’. Using this, they were able to create a 3D structure inspired by their Macbeth English unit/Localities in Stratford-Upon-Avon to develop a Tudor house design. Once they had created a building that resembled the features of existing Tudor houses, they experimented by adding windows, doors and beams on to their houses, using authentic colours of the time period. The final stage of the process was to print their Tudor 3D models using the school’s 3D printer. Just look at the results!

Name three skills you learned or practised during this unit of work.

What do you feel is your proudest achievement?

If you were to use this type of software again, what would you like to create? Why?

Stage 1 – Exploring new software.

Stage 2 – Building the foundations of our 3D structure.

Stage 3 – Beginning to add fine detail to our structures.

Stage 4 – Finishing touches.

Stage 5 – Printing and showcasing.

3 responses to “Computing in Year 5 – Summer Term”

  1. Tipian I.

    I learnt how to make a Tudor house on a computer ,I also learnt how to put bars on the front house and I learnt learnt how to change the house colour or blocks .
    My proudest achievement is that I can create a set of tower and it is the holy trinity church.
    If I was to create this again I’ll recreate the holy trinity church and Improve my previous work .

  2. Mohammed W.

    I think my proudest achievement is making the Tudor house.If I ever used this software again I would create a mansion

  3. Tana I.

    If I was going to create this again I would probably make a human being.
    My aim is to 3d print a school but it will take so long

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