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32 responses to “Deaf Awareness in Year 6!”

  1. Saee N.

    Hi Miss Vega
    I couldn’t find the LBQ for the SATS practise
    Where are they

    1. Miss Vega

      They blog has just gone Live Saee x

  2. Shahzad S.

    Challenge 1: We can break these barriers by including deaf people as a team society and treating them normally

    Challenge 2: We can improve our communication with deaf people by learning to use sign language around them

  3. Leon Thomas-Millward

    Challenge 1
    We can break these barriers by making them feel part of society
    Challenge 2
    We could improve our communication by learning a way to communicate that makes them feel happy.

  4. Surinder J.

    Challenge 1: You can make the deaf person feel part of the team/group.

    Challenge2: We can practise sign language so we can communicate with deaf people.

  5. Amelia H.

    Challenge 1 : you could break the barriers making all deaf people feel they are part of society

    Challenge 2 : you could learn how to do sign language

  6. Hasan S.

    You could get the persons attentoin and you can lip read

    We can practice silanguage

  7. Faizan R.

    Always face a deaf person. Make eye contact and keep it while you are talking.
    Check noise and lighting.
    Keep your distance.
    Speak clearly, slowly and steadily
    Take turns
    Repeat and re-phrase if necessary

  8. Luxor A.

    We could break the barriers by trying to understand what they feel.

  9. Sumayyah A.

    When your talking to a deaf person make sure your looking at them and not talking quickly or quietly you can use bsl British sign language so they can understand. Make sure to look at them and get there attention or tap on them gently. Now make sure they can lip read.

  10. Inaaya S.

    Challage 1
    We can get there attention

    Challenge 2
    We could learn sign language use online devices

  11. Brooke M.

    Challenge 1-how could we break down these barriers?
    We can you can get the persons attention.

    Challenge 2-how could we improve our communication with people that are death?
    We can use body and sign language use things like emails,WhatsApp etc.

  12. Serina I.

    How can we break down these barriers?
    Avoid speaking to quickly talk
    directly to the person

    1. Muhammad B.

      Challenge 1: We can overcome these barriers by always paying attention and listen to those whom are deaf so they know we have their attention.

      Challenge 2: We can improve our communication with deaf people by doing sign language and paying proper attention to them and do gestures which our hands and they will start to understand us.

  13. Joel G.

    Challenge 1: you can have the person’s attention,

    Challenge 2: You can get good lighting so you can read there lips

    1. Bahar K.

      We can break down barriers by including them in all activities and trying to be friendly. To communicate we can learn sign language little by little.

  14. Tahiyan C.

    We can break down these barriers by learning sign language or make sure they can understand what we say.
    We could improve our speaking with them by knowing that they know we are speaking to them first and then communicating so the person knows that we are communicating with them.

  15. Muhammed A.

    Challenge:How could we break down these barriers??

    Have there attention, find a quiet space and try to mime it or if you speak sign language.

    Challenge: How can we improve our communication with people who are deaf??

    Learn sign language.

    1. Muhammad S.

      We can break barriesby learning sight language or make sure they understand what we are saying

      Use your usual voice don’t shout because it will effect the ear and because if you shout there ear aids will be uncomfortable for them

      And if you are talking to a death person talk to them in a quiet place

      1. Miss Vega

        Do you mean deaf Shaikh?

        1. Muhammad S.

          sorry Ms Vega I was writing to fast

  16. Lillie

    1) How could we break down these barriers?
    -Have their attention before you speak.
    -sit in a place with good light to mouth read.

    2)How could we improve our communication with those who are death?
    -Use your usual voice level (this is because if a deaf person has a hearing aid it could be uncomfortable for them).
    -Try To find a quiet place to communicate as noise can be distracting.

  17. Zahra A.

    We could improve our communication by maybe learning sign language or get their attention before you speak.

    1. Miss Vega

      How could you get their attention?

  18. Lawy A.

    Use body language and gestures
    Stand or sit in a place with good lighting so they can lip-read
    Make sure you have there attention
    Try find a quiet place so you can communicate with them
    Use your usual voice if they have a hearing aid but they will feel like your shouting

  19. Serina I.

    How could we improve our communication with deaf people?
    Make eye contact with them check noise and lighting speak and speak slowly so they can lip read

  20. Aleena

    How could we break down these barriers?
    We could try to make an effort to communicate with them, it could be easy since some deaf people know how to lip read.
    How could we improve our communication with deaf people?
    We could stand in good lighting so they can read our lips.

  21. Yogitha K.

    How can we improve our communication with deaf peoples?

    Make sure you have the person’s attention before you speak.
    Make sure they are okay and not sad.

    1. Miss Vega

      How can you make sure that they are not sad? How can we include them?

  22. Safa M.

    We have to not rush them when speaking and speak the same tone of voice ( not shouting ). We could also make sure they can see what we’re saying and use sign language to them.
    We can break the barriers by making friends with them to make them less lonely and you can help them to participate in more activities to avoid depression and being excluded from society.
    You also make sure your words can be lip-read so if they are listening to you, they will have an easier way to understand what you’re saying .

  23. Aisha R.

    You can communicate with deaf people by doing lip reading and sign language.

    1. Miss Vega

      How can you help aide someone with their lip – reading?

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