Entrepreneur Week day 1 maths

Today 4 Red were the total cost and weight of a cake using their knowledge of the four operations, doubling and halving.

Can you tell me what the four operations are?

Have a go at the challenge below.

5 responses to “Entrepreneur Week day 1 maths”

  1. Meena B.

    330g of butter,
    390g of sugar,
    6 eggs,
    1.5 teaspoons of Vanilla Extract,
    450g of flour.

    Ron has made 12 cakes but he has 36 children coming over to his birthday party. His recipe is for only 12 cakes and we need to times each ingredient by 3 because 12 times 3 = 36. We needed to find out what times 12 would reach the number 36.

  2. Simra S.

    Butter 330
    Sugar 390
    Egg 6
    Vanilla Extract 1.5
    Flour 450
    So we have to 12*3=36 so we have to times 3 with ingredients .

  3. Manha S.

    Jake needs:
    330g of butter
    390g of sugar
    6 eggs
    1 and half teaspoon of vanilla extract
    450 g of na flour

  4. Mohammed K.

    You need to do 12×3 which =36. Also you need to times the ingredients by 3.
    Sugar. 390
    Vanilla extract=1.5

  5. Ramandeep K.

    Jake needs:
    330g of butter. I worked this by doing 110×3
    390g of sugar. I worked this out by doing 130×3.
    6 eggs. I worked this out by doing 2×3
    1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
    450g of flour. I worked this out by doing 150×3.

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