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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

We were thinking of a safe way to showcase our Great Grandparents and thought it would be perfect to showcase some of their responses. Children, please record your grandparents and send the clip to:

Click here to upload

1. Did you attend a primary school and if so, what was it called?
2. What did your primary school look like?
3. What is your fondest memory of your primary school?
4. How is Broad Heath similar or different from your schooling?

We would like to use your memories for our History and Geography.
Photographs are also welcome!

21 responses to “Grandparents Day 2021”

  1. Zahra N.

    Grandparents are very kind,helpful,caring they love kids and they never shout at kids or anyone.

  2. Havin A.

    I love granparents

  3. Havin A.

    Evryone loves elders

  4. Rayan Ma.

    I love that day 🙂

  5. Charis O.

    Happy gramparents day❤️

  6. Roma M.

    Happy grandparents day 😀

  7. Simin W.

    I would really want to ,but my grandparents are not in England. :(

  8. Luxor A.

    Thank you for this information

  9. Aisha B.

    I would but they aren’t here…:(

  10. Ziad H.

    My grandparents have also passed away 😭

  11. Sara H.

    Sadly my grandparents aren’t alive🙁🙁

  12. Rahaniya S.

    i love my grandparents.

  13. Yalda N.

    I would have included my grandparents but sadly that are dead…😖😭😔

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Do you have a photograph of them to send to me?

  14. Aysha R.

    Thank you for the information i will try yo record my grandma

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      I cannot wait to see the clip.

  15. Mehar R.

    I did samthing rog

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      You can explain tomorrow.

  16. Mehar R.

    Thanks for the information I will try to do it

  17. Tipian I.

    Thanks for the information I will try to do it

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