Individual Liberty

We have 12 school values and one of them is brilliance.

KS1- Can you tell me how you have been brilliant this term?

KS2- Can you tell me about a brilliant thing you created/did that made a difference to your learning and how your brilliance has supported others?

49 responses to “Individual Liberty”

  1. Leon T.

    KS2- Can you tell me about a brilliant thing you created/did that made a difference to your learning and how your brilliance has supported others?
    I have written a character description of a character from my library book.
    This had made a difference to my learning as it will help me describe more characters.

  2. Osato O.

    Q1: I have been brilliant last term by creating a surrealist art piece in the style of Salvador Dali.
    This has affected my learning by trying something new in someone else’s style.
    By Aatifa and Osato.

  3. Ridwan U.

    I think I made a lot of double page spreads with a lot of detail.
    Also I was Macbeth in year 5. I did a play from Shakespeare

  4. Iqra

    Can you tell me about a brilliant thing you created/did that made a difference to your learning and how your brilliance has supported others?

    I have brilliant in English as I have improved in the vocabulary I used to make my work more descriptive.

  5. Muhammed A.

    A brilliant thing I did in my learning was writing a persuasive letter to Mrs Frankish asking for chocolate during revision. I was also brilliant by helping classmates with school work.

  6. Gufran E.

    I have done a story on the hobbit which was brilliant and I helped other people by telling them the vocabulary I had used

  7. I have used BRILLIANCE in my learning when I do double page spreads in my book and improve every time.

  8. Aisha B.

    Aamina,Marwa and Aisha.
    We have shown the value brilliance in our work when we play educational games such as ‘Wordle’ (which expands our vocabulary banks). Also,we play times table games which helps us remember our times table.This is how we have shown brilliance that has made a difference in our learning and supports others!

  9. Serina I.

    Can you tell me about a brilliant thing you created/did that made a difference to your learning and how your brilliance has supported others?
    The last thing we created was a surrealist art

  10. Safiyah P.

    The brilliant thing I have made is a Surreal sketch of a melting clock and a collage.

  11. Hasan S.

    I showed brilliance by helping my friend

  12. Maryam G.

    The brilliant thing I have created is my homework making my 3D model. This made a difference because it was hard and that made me use the value brilliance because it looked brilliant.

  13. Safa M.

    I have made a surrealistic art sketch of a egg with someone coming out of it and has chicken legs and I believed I could do it and I did it .

    1. Safa M.

      Which was for my homework

  14. Ellie T.

    l have showed brilliance by listening in all lessons showing respect .therefore everyone should show respect to anyone example staff at school there teachers and other kids that on the playground or inside . Whereas if you do you my earn a brick for it .

  15. Timothy C.

    KS2- Can you tell me about a brilliant thing you created/did that made a difference to your learning and how your brilliance has supported others?
    A brilliant thing I created are lots of double page spreads, the jave yoshimoto piece and other work.

  16. Alisha M.

    I have made brilliance by doing good in English

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