Individual Liberty

Hi there, what a great term we have had so far. So many things to talk about and share. If you could do one thing again,learn about something again, repeat a lesson or trip what would it be? Cant wait to hear about your highlights.

40 responses to “Individual Liberty”

  1. Sumayyah A.

    I want to go to a trip about Romans and learn how long they lived.

  2. Sumayyah A.

    I want to go concord again

  3. Afreen S.

    I would go to western supermare as it was such a nice day out and e got to enjoy ourselves

  4. Sulaimon L.

    I would like to go on the Tamworth castle trip again it was so fun!

  5. Zaeem J.

    I enjoyed the trip to Tamworth Castle.

  6. Chavi L.

    I enjoyed the conkers trip.

  7. Musa B.

    I also enjoyed the conkers trip and all the other things like making pyramids

  8. Rexford A.

    The teachers compliment expressions thanks teachers

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