Ladybirds and Spiders, your GD challenge this week is to research invertebrates and how to identify the different subcategories.

Use your scanning skills to find the answers to the questions.

Questions: (There is one question for each section)
1. What are the group of invertebrates with 8 legs called?
2. Name 3 invertebrates that are molluscs and annelids.
3. What shape is a beetles wing case?
4. True bugs are called Hemiptera. What does Hemiptera mean?
5. Bees and wasps are pollinators. What do pollinators do?
6. State 2 differences between moths and butterflies.
7. Describe an earwig.
8. How do spiders immobilise their prey?
9. Where do woodlice, centipedes and millipedes live?

34 responses to “Invertebrate Research”

  1. Maryum N.

    1.Arachnids because they have 8 legs and they are big.
    2.snails ,slugs and Earthworms
    3. T shape
    4. Hemiptera means half winged
    5. Pollinators carry pollen from one plant to the next.
    6.Moths fly at night and have pointy antennae. Butterflies fly in the day and have lumps on their antennae .
    7.long ,brown body and large pincers at end of body
    8. Inject venom through their fangs.
    9. On the damp ground near leaves
    By Maryum and Lillie

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