LBQ revision

Over the half term break, I have set you some revision tasks to complete on LBQ in preparation for SATs. These are revision of SPAG and maths. I have set you lots of different tasks to do. You do not need to complete all of them. I am expecting at least three to be completed but you are welcome to complete all of them if you would like to do so.

To access the LBQ, you will need to login to LBQ as you usually would in school by connecting as pupil

You will then need to press switch to independent study:

After this, you will need to enter our class code in the part that says access code:

You will then need to login in with your name and LBQ password.

11 responses to “LBQ revision”

  1. Aran K.

    It won’t let me log on.

  2. Ali A.

    Hey Miss just a quick question, on the new tasks selection , there are only 5 but on the date due selection, there are 8 tasks . Do you do just the five tasks or the 8 ?

  3. Minaal A.

    Miss gittings you know fasting ,is there a form for fasting that we have to do so we can fast on Monday or can we just come in a fast ??

  4. Retaj

    I need help on one of the math tasks.

  5. Minaal A.

    You know how you said over the half term we will be set up for activities well I finished the activities on lbq all of them but it also says on spay and mathletics there will be activities and there aren’t any and when will the next lbq be set ??

    1. Miss Gittings

      I have set you some more individual tasks on LBQ as well as on Mathletics.

      1. Minaal A.

        ok thanks!!!!

  6. Meharunisa A.

    Where does the button says to that I forgotten my code

    1. Miss Gittings

      If you try to type in your password and it is wrong, then the button will appear at the bottom which says I have forgotten my code.

  7. Retaj

    When I do my password it says something is incorrect

    1. Miss Gittings

      There should be a button that says I have forgotten my code, if you press this it will send a message to me and I can give a reminder to you which should work.

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