
Lovely London vs Cool Coventry

Children compared the landmarks of Coventry with London. They looked at the Big Ben, Shard and then cross examined the cathedral, Godiva statue and the Herbert Art gallery. They created beautiful informative posters about both wonderful cities 🏙 🌆 🌃 Have a look below 😃 👇

7 responses to “Lovely London vs Cool Coventry”

  1. Nick C.

    I loved drawing

  2. Eliza N.

    Wow they look so amazing and beautiful we all tried so hard well done everybody 🤩🥳

  3. Emil D.

    I loved that day because we got to make posters

  4. Esa A.

    I loved it

  5. Chavi L.

    I loved to do the poster about London and Coventry and saw that the big ben it self has an bell inside so some people call it like (TOWER CLOCK)

  6. Eesaa A.

    It was really fun thank you for this lesson

  7. Mrs Farooq

    What a great lesson! You all created fantastic posters and we were really impressed 👏 great knowledge displayed today!

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