Maths Week in 5 Red

Hi 5 Red. Welcome back to school, ready for an awesome Autumn 2 . To start Autumn 2 this week we have Maths Week. It has been a super week, you have shown resilience and perseverance to work through the various tasks given to you. It has been lovely to see that you embrace all challenges with eagerness! Watch the short video recapping what we have done so far this week. Share your comments, what have you learnt and enjoyed this week?

13 responses to “Maths Week in 5 Red”

  1. Aro M.

    i really like it because i had a amazing day. at school 🏫 we lurnt a Lot of stuff about the cristal maze i know about it because it’s a game we’re there are six players in the game and it is a very difficult game and it’s about some of the popular country’s and if thay lose thay get lock up in a door

  2. Sumaya S.

    I loved this week because I loved finding out how to say Egypt numbers

  3. Diyako K.

    I have learned about the Ancient Egyptian numbers and my favourite my favourite part has been making problems with numbers.

  4. Ahmed B.

    I learnt about geometry and prime numbers

  5. Bakary C.

    Wow well done every I have learnt about Egyptian numerals and how to make kind of a pyramid

  6. Umar S.

    I learnt about equivalent fractions and I really enjoyed this week because maths is one of my favourite subject.

  7. Ismael K.

    Wow fantastic work.
    What I have learned in math week is the Eygyptian languages.

  8. Romeesa T.

    I learn about how to make a accurate model of a famous Greek building . I enjoyed making the pixel art patterns.

  9. Sania K.

    What have I learned this week ?
    I learned that the parethon has 46 pillars .
    This week was a fun week I want to see what’s next in India and China .

  10. Hasbia D.

    I have enjoyed making the Parthenon and making the tetrahedron. I have learnt about Plato.

    1. Hasbia D.

      Plato is the person who found out about the Platonic solids. They are tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and the icosahedron.

  11. Khadija A.

    I loved today’s maths learning since I was sick yesterday.

  12. Aisha A.

    I have enjoyed doing maths week! I have learned about fractions and Egyptian numbers. I showed resilience because when I did not know the Egyptian numbers and I got it wrong I did not give up and I kept trying and trying and now I understand.

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