Welcome back to school everybody, I hope you have had an excellent start to 2024.

A polite reminder that on Monday 15th January school is closed to children as it is a teacher training day.

Children will be back in as normal on Tuesday 16th.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Davison

12 responses to “Monday 15th January – Teacher Training Day”

  1. Liliana S.

    Thank you 🙏

  2. Ayaan M.

    Yessssss teacher training day = extra day of suiiii

  3. Ella K.

    Than is for telling people

  4. Sulaiman A.

    Thank you.

  5. Tana I.

    Thank u for the information and I won’t come on Monday so see ya on Tuesday

  6. Maximilian J.

    Thanks for telling us that it’s teachers training day.

  7. Elgin A.

    Do good

  8. Tipian I.

    Thank you for the reminder

  9. Mahid H.

    Ok thank you for reminding us 🥳🥳🥳🥳

  10. Faris B.

    OK thanks for the information

  11. Mahid H.

    🤩 wow

  12. Aqsa S.

    Ok thank you for the information.

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