Themes of Romulus and Remus ⚔️

17 responses to “Themes of Romulus and Remus ⚔️”

  1. Liliana S.

    Romulus was a villain and a hero because he killed his father to save his brother and he killed his brother because he wanted to build his own city and hill.

  2. Mirr A.

    “Romulus was the”. Hero because He
    Killed his dad and his dad was the.
    Villain because he was a nasty man.

  3. Hannah B.

    Romulus was a villan because he saved his brother from King amulus but then they had a fight with his brother and killed him so what’s the point

  4. Ella K.

    Romulus is a villain because he killed his brother and uncle but he is only a bit of a hero because Romulus killed his evil uncle and his evil uncle want to be the king so he nearly killed his 2 twin brother.

  5. Waniya Z.

    Romulus his brother were babies. When the sheriff found them and took care of them, instead of eating them like Wolfe to do, then a wood cutter found them and raise them with his wife, they love them very much ⭐️⭐️⭐️ so this theme is friendship❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

  6. Waniya Z.

    Romulus is a villain because he killed his brother 🧑 and their uncle got killed by Romulus so that theme is power because Romulus powerful.

  7. Maryum N.

    Romulous isn’t a hero because he killed his brother Remus but on the other side and hand he killed king Amuluas his uncle which is good because he was mean, and repulsive and mean which nobody likes mean people because. It isn’t nice and respectful, is Venegance and jealousy. Which you shouldn’t do it is a Venegance and. Bad choice.

  8. Maryum N.

    I loved that lesson, we dome themes like choices, power, vengeance, death, jealousy and we were learning. About the story Romulous and Remus, it was where Romulous and Remus were adopted by the she wolf. And then the shepard, and his wife looked and protected, but also looked After Romulous and Remus. Then they became healthy and strong also powerful. Then they were building a city but Romulous wanted to do Palatine hill and Remus wanted to do another hill. Then they became big. And Romulous had the strength, and power, to take over Remus and kill Remus Then Romulous became king. And then Romulous, died and they saw Romulous go to paradise. But they didn’t see Remus go to paradise. Because they were on a private hill. And nobody Suspected Romulous killing Remus and that is the Story.

  9. Yusuf A.

    Romulus is a Villian because he killed his brother Remus, but in the version Romulus kidnapped his brother Remus to build a City called Rome. 🔱

    1. Maryum N.

      I loved that lesson, we dome themes like choices, power, vengeance, death, jealousy and we were learning. About the story Romulous and Remus, it was where Romulous and Remus were adopted by the she wolf. And then the shepard, and his wife looked and protected, but also looked After Romulous and Remus. Then they became healthy and strong also powerful. Then they were building a city but Romulous wanted to do Palatine hill and Remus wanted to do another hill. Then they became big. And Romulous had the strength, and power, to take over Remus and kill Remus Then Romulous became king. And then Romulous, died and they saw Romulous go to paradise. But they didn’t see Remus go to paradise. Because they were on a private hill. And nobody Suspected Romulous killing Remus and that is the Story.

  10. Iqra S.

    Yes and no because he killed his uncle and brother and he is a hero because he saved his brother from being kidnapped and he was being nice and kind to his brother and he fought with his brother because he wanted to call the city Rome and that is his dream come true

  11. Ahsan M.

    Romulas is a villan because he killed Remus because he wanted all the power for him self.
    Romulas was a hero because he saved Remus.

  12. Sara H.

    Romulus is not a hero because he Killed his brother and his uncle but at the same time he Killed his uncle so he can save his brother

  13. Rahman A.

    And he is bad because he killed his brother

    So he is bad and good

  14. Rahman A.

    He was a good man because he killed the king😃😃😃

  15. Hudaa M.

    Romulus is a villain because he killed his brother on which hill to build the city on and you just did not think twice so he just killed his brother and he is a hero because he saved his brother from his evil uncle

  16. Manuela M.

    Romulus is a villain because he killed Remus and king Ameulus because Romulus wanted to be the king.☺️😃.

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