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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Monumental Mountain Art in 6 White!

In Art this half term, the children have been creating mixed media landscapes, using mountains (Geography) as our focus. We began the unit learning about the zero point perspective. We then practised creating tone and texture using a variety of materials and sketching techniques. Later, we experimented using water colour techniques to create a 3D effect. We then created our final outcomes, before evaluating our results. Take a look at the 6 White gallery below!

4 responses to “Monumental Mountain Art in 6 White!”

  1. Markuss B.

    They are amazing I can’t describe how good they are wow.

  2. Xlexben F.

    They all look so beautiful and nice

  3. Zahra D.

    They look so nice 👌

    Sarah Zahra D

  4. Najma O.

    They all look so pretty

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