School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

In Year 6 today, children designed a moon crater experiment. This was a great way to learn more about the surface of the Moon and planets like ours, Venus, Mercury and Mars.

The children discussed how moon craters are created and how this could be investigated. Children identified the different variables that could be investigated and and how the test could be carried out.

Designing a fair test was important so children’s results would be accurate.

Using their results, children shared how the impact of a potential asteroid would have on our planet.

Have a look at our learning today.

Please state what you learnt and what the effects of an asteroid impact would be on our planet.

14 responses to “Moon crater experiment”

  1. Shahzaib M.

    it was tricky at the start

  2. Muhammad S.

    I believe that if aestrouds hit earth there would be no life on earth and nothing willl be no life

  3. Muhammad S.

    I believe that if aestrouds hit earth there would be no life on earth

  4. Azaan H.

    It was really fun

  5. Lawy A.

    If there was a small and light astroid then it wouldn’t effect a lot of people however if it was big and heavy it will do a lot of damage.

  6. Fatimah K.

    This experiment was very fun.

  7. Hammad A.

    it was fun

  8. Nihit N.

    The experiment was great and my table really enjoyed it!

  9. Afreen S.

    I really enjoyed working on our experiments I have found out the more weight it holds the bigger the dent is. An impact would be that many sources wouldn’t get potential amount of food .

  10. Luxor A.

    I believe that if a asteroid ever hit earth all livings things would die but the outcome could change if humans evolved quicker and get high level technology to keep us alive.

  11. Aysha R.

    I really enjoyed the experiment.
    If a asteroid hit Earth what would happen is dust and smoke rising in the atmosphere prevents sunlight from reaching our world and causes the total temperature to drop. Since the asteroid can demolish a large amount some animals may not have anymore food to eat which may lead to extinction.

  12. Manvi R.

    I liked doing the Moon crator experiment because me and my group found out that the higher the asteriod drops from, the deeper the crator will be.

  13. Zaeem S.

    This was probably the best part of the day. 😀

  14. Surinder J.

    I had so much fun doing the experiment.
    If an asteroid hit our planet, it would have a impact on the herbivore animals because there will not be any grass for them so they would die.

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