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Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Today is Children in Need Day- what things are you doing to support this charity and how can we ensure ALL children are cared for?

25 responses to “Mutual Respect and Tolerance”

  1. Sumayyah A.

    We should stop people who bullies our friend or different people.
    We should give charity to people.
    We should let people play with us.

  2. Miss Woodman

    We came up with some ideas about how to make sure all children are cared for.
    – We will try to stop bullying if we see it.
    – We could send money to children’s hospitals to help ill and disabled children be taken care of.
    – We can help raise money for any child that needs help.
    – We can make sure we treat everyone the same.

  3. Adam J.

    We should be great full on what we have since some people are homeless and it will be rude if we don’t appreciate what we are given.

  4. Kamil N.

    We can ensure that all people are cared by giving donations if possible and you can support the people who need help.

  5. Ali A.

    The help the children, we could help and donate money or clothes to help the children survive and at least have a good life even if they have a disability.

  6. Elyas A.

    Thank you very much

  7. Esa A.

    Thank you

  8. Janelle O.

    They should be cared thoughtfully because some people are poor and homeless and we need to give them money.

  9. Luxor A.

    I am supporting children in need day by being grateful for what I have and giving charity.

  10. Kaif B.

    We are very lucky for all the things we have. we can donate some clothes, shoes, give food to the poor people and donate some money.

  11. Bahar K.

    1) We could bring in old clothes for charity.
    2) We could do a bake sale and gather all the money we collected and give it to charity.

  12. Hussein H.

    We could send them money to eat and get clothes.-Hussein
    I could help by sending foods and spare cloathes and a sleeping bag.-Maheen

  13. Nma M.

    To make the people in need and poor people good, they need clothes, food and treatment. If they are super sick, they would need someone to help them and get better. Also giving charity to them would be really good so they can get all of these stuff. Treatment, clothes and food. Some people can’t have any of those and just sit outside in the cold weather waiting for any food or clothes, especially charity. If you give charity, treatment or clothes, even food, it would mean a lot to the poor and in need.

  14. Khadijah M.

    Khadijah And Bethany ☺️
    If someone is getting bullied in front of you, you should say stop or tell an adult. Also, if someone is hurt, you could always help them up.

  15. Simra S.

    If over clothes are not useful we can give to them like : poor people we can’t live without clothes that’s why we give money and clothes to poor people.

  16. Harrison S.

    I donated 1£

  17. Lawy A.

    We can donate things that we don’t use anymore and we can respect them.

  18. Yahya K.

    We could donate to charity.
    We could donate outgrown clothes.
    Muhammad D

  19. Hamsia D.

    Zayd:We can give poor people some money and food.
    Meena-You can give them support and food. You can do little things like smiling at them.
    Hamsia- We could donate money to charity

  20. Amirah T.

    Amirah -We can help donating to charity and making sure everyone and every child is respected.

    1. Amirah T.

      Ramandeep-. If some of the people are sick they can get the treatment they need. Also some people can get some more clothes and food .

  21. Aryan M.

    We are very lucky and will try to help everyone we can. Muhammed and Aryan.

  22. Miss Matthias

    The children in One White came to school in their favourite clothes. We also had lots of donations.
    Faith – We all need to be kind to each other.
    Sukhmanpreet – We can give our money to those in need.
    Hatim – We can help people when they are lost.
    Mrs Hill – I organised my children’s old clothes to give to charity.
    Marceline – When people people are hungry we can give them food.

  23. Mr Rawlings

    Here are the thoughts of 1 Red.
    Support children with issues such as problems speaking. – Martyna.
    If a child is really sick we can make sure they get the care they need. – Hussain.
    If a child struggles give them support to move – Shreya.

    1. Head Teacher

      Lovely examples 1R.

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