The deadline is fast approaching to be able to benefit from the offer Mrs Frankish has made for next years trips.

If you would like to benefit from the offer please make payment of £30 before Friday 14th July 2023. After this date, trips will return to the minimum price of £20 per trip.

13 responses to “NEXT YEAR TRIP REMINDER”

  1. Ameera K.

    I have paid

  2. Manha S.

    i have already paid

  3. Meena B.

    I have already paid.

  4. Fatima S.

    I will remember.

  5. Mohammed W.

    Thanks for the information

  6. Tipian I.

    I’ve already paid

  7. Sidra M.

    Sidra M (3B) and Aahil M (1B) already paid. Thank you for the offer.

  8. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information and I already paid the real deal

  9. Sulaiman A.

    Thank you for reminding, Sulaiman will bring by it tomorrow.

  10. Amelia R.

    Can you check amelia name is down as I paid this couple of weeks ago

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