For art around the world week, we have been learning about Nigerian fashion. We have created kimonos as our art project. Even though this is originally from Japan, we were inspired by a Nigerian designer who had the brand of Dye Lab. We drew out our designs onto pieces of fabric and went over the lines with batik wax. Using our designs, we dyed our fabric. Some of us actually created a life size kimono using help from some of the pupils mothers! Thank you for an amazing half term, year 6. I hope you will come back to school with smiles on your face – Aisha 6W

Designing Nigerian Patterns!

Cutting the fabric and making the Design Patterns!

After creating the shapes of the kimono with paper, we carefully traced the shapes onto fabric:which we later cut.


We used a technique called Batik to add our patterns to our fabric.


8 responses to “Nigerian Art in Year 6!”

  1. Amanah S.

    I really liked batik!

  2. Lawy A.

    My favourite part was designing the Nigerian patterns.

  3. Joel G.

    My favourite part was the batik🇳🇬

  4. Safa M.

    I really enjoyed art week about Nigeria 🇳🇬.

    1. Safa M.

      My favourite part was when we added wax to the fabric although it had a very strong smell

  5. Aaminah A.

    Have we got P.E. tomorrow?

    1. Aaminah A.

      Also when I tried to batik in was very fun! Art week was amazing!

    2. Head Teacher

      Yes you have.

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