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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Nursery Summer 1 Homework

Hello nursery! Please see the homework attached below for this term!

Homework will be due in every Friday! Please also remember to practice name writing daily with your child using the name cards provided in your book.

Please ensure you complete each week with your child and send a photo to us to using the email address provided in the photo below. 

Please complete all homework in your homework books which have been given out and remember to keep the books at home!

Thank you!

Nursery Summer 1 Homework

Week 1To write the following sounds- t, i, n, p, g. picture to show us.
Week 2To draw a minibeast of your choice. Eg. Ladybug, spider, butterfly. Take a picture.

7 responses to “Nursery Summer 1 Homework”

  1. Miss Marwaha

    That’s super! Thank you for completing your homework ⭐️

  2. Chinonso O.

    Chinonso has completed his homework

  3. Mahid H.

    Mahid has completed his homework of week 1 and week 2 thank you 🥳

  4. Adeel B.

    Adeel has completed his homework and sent in email 😊

  5. Tamarah A.

    Tamarah has completed and sent her work

  6. Eesha A.

    Eesha has completed her homework I have sent it in.

  7. Haitham B.

    Haitham has completed weeks 1 and 2 homework and I’ve emailed his work 😊

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