DANCE – Daisy’s dance

SONG – Off you go to market
This dance and the following song tell a story: Jack is anxious to get Daisy to the market,
and Daisy is either too stubborn or too tired to get up. Jack tries to tempt her with some
delicious food, and she temporarily perks up while she’s being fed, but she slumps back
down again when she has finished eating. Jack appeals to the animals to help and they sing
‘Off you go to market’. Again, this can be staged fairly simply with the animals in a semi circle around Daisy. During the song, they could hand Daisy some items that she’ll need for the journey: wellington boots, an umbrella, a shopping bag, etc. As Jack and Daisy finally
exit down the central aisle, the animals wave fare

Off you go to market, Don’t delay;
We will wave you On your way.
Off you go to market, Follow Jack,
We’ve a hunch You won’t come back!
Toodle-oo and au revoir,
Send a postcard, From the abattoir. So –

The animals divide into two groups to sing a round.
Off you go to market

Off you go to market,
Don’t delay;
We will wave you
On your way.
We will wave you:

14 responses to “Off you go to Market Jack and the Beanstalk”

  1. Zayan J.

    I like this song.

  2. Iver V.

    I liked these song because they were fun.

  3. Sara H.

    aww a nice song

  4. Faith A.

    The song was beautiful

  5. Grace C.

    Grace sang the songs several times she enjoyed them a lot.

    1. Iyla H.

      I love this song

  6. Sarah B.

    I engoyed the song.

  7. Jasmine P.

    I really like it jack and the beanstalk story

  8. Aesha M.

    I love this song. 👌

  9. Aesha M.

    his is fantastic effut lot go teech

  10. Evie T.

    I have practiced singing to the song and enjoyed it 😃

    1. Amina A.

      I really like this story

  11. Liyana M.

    I practice and practice I got it done.

  12. Samuel N.

    This is the funniest Jack and the Beanstalk I have Watch hahahaha

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