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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Many thanks to  all those parents  who support with school trips. Unfortunately I am going to have to outline the following stipulations if you accompany children  from Broad Heath.

1- You must come into school and ensure before a trip you are clear about your role.

2- Whilst  in the company of children / in their vicinity ,smoking or drinking of alcohol, are not permitted.

3- If you feel the need for a comfort break, ( and this includes having a smoke)  this must be away from the  children and agreed with the teachers leading the trip. I cannot stipulate distances to be kept but ask that you respect the wishes of parents who do not want their  vulnerable children to be affected by cigarette fumes.

I will be asking that parents who accompany children in future to sign a disclaimer agreeing to these conditions before they support. Parents who abuse the above will not be invited on future trips.

The above will also be an item on the next agenda when a coffee morning will be held( after Ramadan) for any parent with strong opinions on the above.

Many thanks and anyone who feels this needs further discussion now, please book an appointment with the pastoral team.

Mrs Frankish



26 responses to “Parents and School Trip Expectations”

  1. Nma M.

    Okay thank you for the information.

  2. Safa M.

    Thank you for the information

  3. Yusuf A.

    Thanks for sharing this. It’s a shame some ruin it for the majority. Hopefully this sends out a clear message to all parents, common sense really. 👍

  4. Hamida K.


  5. Lillie S.

    Thanks for the info

  6. Osas O.

    Thank you for the info.

  7. Zaeem S.

    Thank you very much Mrs Frankish and thank you for the information I will make sure to inform my parents.

  8. Samik S.

    Thank you for the information

  9. Tipian I.

    Thank you for the information and stay safe

  10. Luxor A.

    Thank you for this information.

  11. Andre M.

    Thank you for the information ✅

  12. Romeesa T.

    Thank you for you information.

  13. Minaal A.

    Thanks for the information

  14. Alima S.

    Thank you.

  15. Aysha R.

    Ok thank you for the information

  16. Japji K.

    Thanks for the information.

  17. Ismaeel K.

    Thanks Mrs Frankish

  18. Abdulasiis M.

    Thank you.

  19. Samanta V.

    Thank you Mrs Frankish for the information u gave us.

  20. Jasmine P.

    Thank you

  21. Tana I.

    Thx for the information

  22. Zainab A.

    Thanks for the information ✅

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