Perimeters of Polygons in 4 White

Today in Maths, we made regular and irregular polygons using art straws and lollipop sticks. We then calculated the perimeter of each shape.

The lollipop sticks were 15cm long.

The art straws were 10cm long.

What is a regular polygon?

3 responses to “Perimeters of Polygons in 4 White”

  1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

    Some great challenges here, Mrs Khaliq.
    I look forward to reading different explanations from the children!

    Well done Shemaiah for your post :-)

  2. Shemaiah W.

    Gorgia mistake was we add not times and she forgot to count the 3 so it’s 31.
    drake was wrong because he forgot to count both 4.

    i will finich later promisse.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A great attempt Shemaiah. 2 Dojo points for accessing the blog!
      Look again at the first problem. Where did you go wrong?
      Remember we can multiply if all the sides are the same length!

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