This afternoon, the children wrote questions to ask a range of BH Citizens about their school role. This included our very own School Councillors, Miss Bhangu and Mr Mahmood. The children were simply BRILLIANT! We loved your questions everyone!
If you would like to ask us a question, type it below ๐Ÿ˜

30 responses to “PSHE in Y2!”

  1. Murtaza A.

    I am a good citizen because I help other people when they are not well ๐Ÿคง

  2. Naksh P.

    I loved that day and I had a good day with you

    1. Neron O.

      I am a good citizen Because I help people

      1. Head Teacher

        Keep on helping people. How did you help the last person?

  3. Jasmine P.

    Mr Mahmood how you become a teacher

  4. Mustafa A.

    Hi miss which year did you first start at

  5. Mustafa A.

    Hi miss bhai which year did you first start at

  6. Amelia R.

    What year was you in

  7. Amelia R.

    Hi miss Bhangu what year was you in when you first started teaching at the school?

  8. Salman O.

    /Why did Mr Mahmood go to University?

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Thank you for your question, Salman. I went to University to become a teacher. It really is the best job in the world!

  9. Evie T.

    I Evie enjoyed asking the questions I love you Miss Bhangu and Mr Mamood ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

    1. Mr Mahmood

      We love you too, Evie! Keep shining brightly!

  10. Iqra A.

    To be a good citizen you need to show teamwork, tenacity, respect rezeilance,brilliance,communications, honesty, imagination,kindness, knowledge,empathy and individuality.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      I agree! What a star you are!

  11. Zakariyah A.

    This is not a question Mr Mahmood but I really wish that you will be my teacher one year.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are brilliant, Zaki! I have the pleasure of teaching you PSHE every Monday :)

  12. Elgin A.

    Why did you become a teacher?

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Thank you for your question, Elgin. I became a teacher because I was inspired by other teachers who were fantastic at their job. Additionally, I trained to become a teacher to teach amazing children like you!

  13. Bilal U.

    Which school did u teach first miss Bhangu?
    How do you help the community yusuf?
    What topics do you teach the pupils in the years that you work in mr mahmood?

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Thank you for your question, Bil. We teach a range of exciting topics in Y2. We are currently learning about famous people. Can you tell me something interesting about one of the people we have learned about?

      1. Bilal U.

        Florence Nightingale is a nurse that teaches 38 nurses all the way to turkey. When the Crimean war was over the soldiers were at the hospital and Florence Nightingale came to see what had happened at the hospital. But she had seen wounded soldiers that were not feeling well so Florence Nightingale told all the 38 nurses to clean the hospital to make it clean and hygienic again so the soldiers can be looked after in a clean hospital.

  14. Zakir F.

    Mr Mamood this is for you

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Thank you for your question, Zak. When I was in Reception, I might have been 4 or 5 years old. My teacher’s name was Mrs Ferraro.

  15. Haseeb B.

    I loved when 2blue and 2red teachers came to our class.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      If you could ask me a question, what would you ask, H?

  16. Hudaa M.

    Do you want to leave the school mr mamood

    1. Mr Mahmood

      I love BH, so probably not. I hope you love BH, too!

  17. Zakir F.

    How old were you when you were in reception blue and who was your teacher.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Who is this question for, Zaki?

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